How to be BETTER at NETWORKING In Person and Online

In a nutshell

This book will help you to understand what networking is (and what it isn’t), how to plan your activities and then network with prowess and confidence, all for the purpose of getting more return on the time that you spend networking.


Why you might want to buy this book

If any of the examples below sound familiar, this book can help you:

  • The thought of going to networking events fills you with dread. If only you had the courage to go along it might be quite useful and good for you and your business. (you might even enjoy it too)
  • You look around the room and see a sea of faces but don’t know who to talk to or what to say. This gets in the way of the main reason that you went to the event which was to talk to people.
  • It’s great to catch up with people you know at networking events but you know you should really start to connect and build relationships with people you don’t know but you don’t have the confidence to do that. It would be good if those initial steps didn’t seem so scary.
  • You get introduced to lots of people whilst networking but never quite know what to say or how to say it. It would be really nice if you could network effectively and let people know what you and your company do in a way that they would find useful.
  • You’re out and about at a lot of networking events and feeling like you are really “being noticed”. Weirdly though, nothing seems to be coming out of it and you are wondering why.
  • You’ve heard people talk about networking via social media but don’t really know how to do that, even though it sounds like it might be a good idea.

So whether you would like to reduce stress, increase confidence, gain greater visibility and understanding, form more and better professional relationships or simply just something have to show from your networking activities, this book can help you to achieve that by becoming a better networker. This in turn can then result in a better return on the time you invest whilst networking, bringing better personal and business relationships and ultimately more business which, of course, is probably the main reason for going networking in the first place!


What this book covers

Simply put, this book helps you to be a better, more productive, networker.

To do this, the book covers the following areas:

  • the fundamentals of what networking is (and what it isn’t)
  • how successful networking takes patience, practice and purpose
  • proven frameworks to help you to prepare for networking
  • effective techniques for building professional relationships with contacts
  • how to help people to be interested in what you have to say
  • the origins and principles of confidence
  • techniques for effectively, and confidently, navigating your way around networking events
  • how to make, and get, useful introductions
  • approaches to take when using social media
  • the similarities and differences between networking in-person and online

There are also online resources that accompany the book’s content.

By taking and applying what’s covered in this book you will be able to network more effectively. The more you put things into practice, the more confident a networker you’ll become too and by being a better networker with greater confidence, you will be able to build a more effective network and better relationships with your contacts and ultimately, therefore, get more return on the time that you invest whilst networking.

This book is part of the “Interact better. Achieve more.” series. The other titles in the series are:
