Networking Skills Workshop

Networking Skills Workshop


Networking can be one of the most powerful and productive activities an individual can do to develop business relationships and future opportunities. Unfortunately, many things (like a lack of confidence, planning and/or know-how) can get in the way and reduce the effectiveness of people’s networking activities.

This highly interactive workshop will guide participants through a number of proven techniques, practices and approaches that can remove those barriers and so lead to increased confidence and effectiveness whilst networking. This will in turn lead to an increased return on investment in time spent networking and, over time, a boost to business.

The workshop focuses not only on theoretical knowledge but also on practical application and participants will leave the workshop with many things that they can put instantly into practice to make a positive difference to their networking activities.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • feel more comfortable and confident in a networking situation
  • better represent themselves and their company while networking
  • know how to build relationships with others
  • take a more methodical and planned approach to networking in the future
  • get a better return on investment from time spent networking

The workshop will also address three common issues that people have whilst networking:

  • I don’t know who to talk to
  • I don’t have the confidence to approach (the people I need/want to talk to)
  • I don’t know what to say (when I do get to talk to people)


The following topics are included in this workshop:

  • understanding what networking is (and isn’t)
  • fundamental networking principles
  • how to define objectives for networking activities
  • techniques for analysing and segmenting other attendees to assist with creating objectives
  • approaches to take for effectively interacting with other attendees
  • how to represent yourself (and your company) in the best (most interesting) way
  • techniques for effective introductions
  • how to build ongoing relationships
  • the logistics of networking

The workshop also has many interactive and practical elements to allow for the reinforcement of the new techniques, practices and approaches covered as well as opportunities to proactively start preparing and planning for future networking activities.


3 Hours (plus 15 minutes prior to start for open networking)

Comments from Previous Workshops

“My team of branch managers have just completed a networking skills course with Mike and found it so effective yet so simple. The team have left buzzing and full of confidence.”

“Mike shared practical advice and tips that are quick and easy to implement and will make a real difference to getting the best from events.”

“I found the interactive way in which the training was delivered was good, the trainer was excellent and I felt I will take a lot of tips away with me.”

“I feel much more confident about future networking events.”

“Not only was it interesting to cover key points using short acronyms but also to put theory into practice with fellow course participants.”

“Handy tips and tricks that will help me in events.”

“Interactive. Wasn’t just a slideshow. There were activities in there too.”


Membership Discounts

A 10% discount is available on scheduled public courses and workshops for members of the following organisations: